Example configuration for aol email address account

Account name: Define a name for this email account (Example: My AOL account)
From name: Company or personal name
From email: example@aol.com (Your AOL email address)
Reply-to email: Any email address where you want to get back reply.
Delivery Method: SMTP Server
SMTP Server: smtp.aol.com
SMTP Port: 25/587/465
Use authentication: Yes (checked)
Use SSL connection on server: Yes (checked)
Username: example@aol.com (Your AOL email address)
Password: Your AOL account password
Limitation: no more than 100 recipients per day/hour.

Marketing Made Easy... AB Bulk Mailer allows you to add multiple aol accounts to the software and allows email sending using them based on limits. More accounts you add more you can send. Check details here