AB Bulk Mailer Software User's Guide:

AB Bulk Mailer is world's best selling email marketing software to automate the creation of your emails where you can send emails,keep a check on the number of bounced emails with the help of its inbuilt bounce checker feature to ensure best deliverance of your emails.You passsionately draft your emails with a beacon of hope for the successful promotion of your business/service but grievously they end up in user's spam filter leading to a decrease in your open rates and hence affecting your Return On Investment(ROI). AB Bulk Mailer has been specifically designed for those who want to begin any marketing via e mail and readily prevent the crash landing of these informative mails into the user spam box with its distinctive features.

AB Bulk Mailer invented on 25 Dec 2010, after a small order from a travel and tour operator.It has revolutionized the world of direct and targeted marketing. The company built this product in garage using world's best brains and this invention is a handy friend for an innovator, a small business man, a startup, entrepreneur, a person whose business has failed, a person or a company who has developed an idea, product or service and wants to promote it worldwide,using mailing services and other social media platforms or even a student who wants to send CV's for job purposes.

We have spend our days and nights in building this product so that the person who has a dream conquers finally in achieving it. We believe in technology and not fancy colors. You do your work we will take care of the rest of your marketing needs..


- First of all let us get started with the tutorial of AB Bulk Mailer. Download and install the demo setup from any of below links:-

Serial No. Download setup for Dependencies

Windows 10/ Windows 7 SP1

(Recommended version) .

If it does not work on your computer, then use

'Windows Other' setup ( Serial No. 2).

NET Framework 4.7.2
2 Windows Other NET Framework 4.6
3 Windows XP .NET Framework 4 Client Profile


- After you click on any of above link, it will display a window as shown below:-


- Click save file and install the software normally.

If you .net framework 4.0 client profile is not installed you can install it from any of these links :- link1, link2, link3


After the successful installation, let us turn to the running of software by following the below given instructions:

Step 1:

Go to windows start menu -> click AB Bulk Mailer. You will see a screen like below:-

worlds best bulk emaile software

It is very easy to use this software.You will yourself observe the advantages of this software after using it for your successful mailing campaign. AB Bulk Mailer allows you to add multiple smtp servers like gmail/yahoo/hotmail/your website or any other smtp accounts with which you can send your bulk emails. They are used as senders and mail reaches its destination using them. The number of mails sent depends upon the per day and per hour limit of any SMTP server.

How AB Bulk Mailer works in short :-
1) First of all in order to begin with your mailing campaign you need to add senders, For that click on "SMTP Servers" screen from the homepage of this software, using these servers your mail reaches its destination.
2) Following the addition of SMTP server you need to create one html messages in "Messages" again from the homepage of the software.
3) After successfully creating and saving your first message in this software you need to import your leads i.e your mailing contacts to whom you want to send your emails in "Contacts" from the homepage. You can also import your leads from excel , notepad etc.
4) After importing your targeted contacts successfully, go back to the homepage and in "Easy send" select leads/contacts and the email message that you created in "Messages" screen and click send button after selecting a particular sending method/mode.
5) Apart from that it has an inbuilt bounce checker that keeps a check on the number of bounced emails.

Lets have a detailed overview on how this software works.

1. Adding email multiple senders/smtp servers

Using a dedicated smtp server helps you in sending and receiving your emails i.e in order to send emails using your "contacts" you need a digital mail carrier to carry your emails to recipient's inbox .That job is done by various paid SMTP servers and some free smtp servers like gmail, gmx, outlook.com, yahoo, comcast, or your other website emails, or a dedicated internet smtp server etc. For example Gmail's SMTP server address is smtp.gmail.com. You need to add these accounts to the software one time and the software will use these sender email addresses to send mails.You can use multiple SMTP servers and the number of mails sent depends upon the per day and per hour limit of any SMTP server. This system allows you to add MULTIPLE gmail/yahoo/outgoing details of smtp server accounts for sending mails and the software will rotate them automatically while sending emails.

- Firstly in order to add a sender account click on "smtp servers" button in the main window of this software.Then click on 'add sender' tab for adding the sender emails/accounts.


- For example, if I add 1000 gmail/yahoo accounts i can send 1000 X 500 = 500,000 per day free because one gmail/yahoo account allows you to send 500 emails per day.

- Click on "Mail sending email account/smtp server" button or by default it opens the window for you after clicking on "SMTP servers". Above shown screenshot gives you an idea how you can add a gmail/your website account to send emails in "add sender".

- Please note adding smtp account is a one time activity. You have to add each account once .Optionally, you may click on SMTP server tree given on the right side of the same slide, for automatically getting details of popular free smtp servers that can be added to the software.

- To save the smtp account to your software click "Save" button. The account will get saved and will be used for sending emails.

- You can also assign different sender names for the various SMTP servers you are going to use for the purpose of sending mails. For that go to settings from the main screen -> change reply ID -> sender names, here you can add different sender names for the respective SMTP servers as shown below.

* In corporate version of AB Bulk Mailer you will be able to add multiple Reply IDs also.

Godaddy, hotmail, comcast, aol and many servers can been added. If you face any problem in adding the servers you can use other ports like 25, 22, 80, 25 or 465. You may also login to your admin/cpanel hosting account or email provider settings and check outgoing pop mail settings for a given sender email address that you want to add as smtp server.Usually port 587 works with most smtp servers. Please note you need to enter outgoing mail settings rather than incoming mail settings because you are using them for the purpose of sending emails .

Note: One Gmail or yahoo account allows you to send 500 mails per day per account. So you have to add multiple accounts to send thousands of mails per day.We recommend that per hour limit for free accounts be taken as 100.

- For website based emails you can check the per day/per hour limits with hosting company/service provider. Typically godaddy smtp account has limit of at least 128 mails per account per hour, same may be verified from them.


AB Bulk Mailer handles this automatically for you. It will send mails based on per hour/day limits. This will prevent your accounts from getting blocked as system never sends more mails than specified in per day setting. Similarly it will never send more than per hour limit in an hour.

Let's take a Scenario:-
Say you have 2 gmail accounts with which you want to send 1200 mails. How system will work at that time?

- System will send 1000 mails from 2 accounts as specified, if you keep AB Bulk Mailer running, limits will be reset by software, and system will send 100 from each of the two accounts. So it will take approx 25 hours to send 1200 mails using 2 servers as first 1000 mails will go in 5 hours and then system will wait till further slots are available.

How many mails I can send per day:-
- Since you can use multiple senders, say total mails that you can send is sum of per day limits of each account. For example if you use ten 10 gmail accounts you can send 10 X 500 = 5000 mails per day free. You have to create accounts yourself irrespective of sites. You can also add your website emails or smtp servers. Do not use all accounts from the same server. I myself create such accounts and usually log in to them few times a week, and then start using them after 7 days where i use 3 accounts from gmail, yahoo, or one of my other site. More accounts you create and use, more mails you can send per day.

Do you want to send mails from your website?

- Add your website mail in a similar way as shown below. The procedure is same as adding a gmail account. For your website/IP you can specify your own per day/hour limits as conveyed by hosting company.

Please note that if you have your own smtp server you can add that by entering 'smtp user ID' which need not necessarily be an email address. While adding smtp server 'Email Address' can be any email from smtp server or from any domain. The 'smtp user ID'can be an email address or any value like admin, root, userJohn etc.

For your Cpanel based website both email address and smtp user id should be same whether gmail, yahoo, outlook, gmx, msn,comcast etc. are to be used.

- If a gmail account is not getting added, like shown below, then it will show something like below:-

You need to click each of the two blue links above or click on copy link to clipboard and enable settings in gmail website.But while doing it make sure you are logged into same gmail account that you are using while sending mails.

So in brief, if gmail account is not adding even after doing above settings, please do below :-

1. Login to the account at the link https://myaccount.google.com/lesssecureapps and enable access from less secure devices


2. unblock the gmail account at https://accounts.google.com/DisplayUnlockCaptcha


3. Go to link (https://myaccount.google.com/security) and in Security issues found tab check 'it was you' in the suspicious mail alert, so that Google understands that you have tried to send mail using AB Bulk Mailer

A) Enable access from less secure devices:-
1) Visit the web version of gmail.com website.
2) login using the email address that is not getting added.
3) In gmail settings enable pop/imap settings. POP moves email from the server to a user device and with IMAP setting an email is received at your mail server.
4) In new window/tab open link https://www.google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps and then Enable 'Access for less secure apps'.

B) Check pop forwarding settings for gmail account :-
a) login to the same gmail account that you have added as the sender account.
b) Go to settings > quick settings.
c) Click on "Forwarding and POP/IMAP" from various options given at the top of page.
e) In pop download select "enable pop for all mail". As a shortcut you may also open the link directly https://mail.google.com/mail/#settings/fwdandpop

- Yahoo account adding:-

Similarly, for enabling pop settings for yahoo accounts, login to web version of yahoo mail website, click wheel icon on top right side > click Settings > click Accounts from the popup > in the email addresses shown on right > click your email address and select pop option and click save button as shown below:-

For yahoo accounts, if they are not adding you need to login to the account and enable access using below steps.

- Click link: https://login.yahoo.com/account/security#other-apps
- Turn on "Allow apps that use less secure sign in".
- Go back to your smtp server and sign in to your Yahoo account again. It will get added. Best way is to enable this setting, logout and after some days turn it off ,then turn it on, then login using browser. This will suppress the usual popup dialog that is shown by yahoo website during web login that your 'security settings are not ok'.

- Further, Below it shows how to add multiple accounts.Right clicking on list shows some extra options.

- It is not necessary that you add only few accounts, you can add say 30 gmail/yahoo/live/gmail etc accounts. You have to create the email addresses first in say gmail.com/yahoo.com and then enter them in the software. Inbox rate is directly proportional to the age/phone verification of the account. So after creating an account give it some time and then add them to the software roughly after a week.

Add accounts from multiple servers rather than all from same server. By servers it means gmail,yahoo, msn, cpanel etc. For your own server you can add same account multiple times.

- System uses an account on the basis of use order and rotates the email accounts automatically after sending every email.So,if you have yahoo and gmail accounts ,you can assign 'use order' to each like '1' for gmail account and '2' for yahoo account , '3' again to gmail account and so on. The smtp servers will be used as per 'use order'. This way you can set delay between mails to zero (in settings) for best use of software. If you keep per hour limit to zero for an account, it will not be used for mail sending then. Also you should login to your free email senders may be before/after the procedure of heavy mailing to prevent them from getting blocked. Occasionally check your smtp servers using browser to see if all is well. You can click 'reset sent count' button if you feel resetting limits are not working properly.